Lost and Found
New Improvements – Effective November 4, 2024
- Items may be dropped off or picked up at the CSUPD Front Desk during business hours, Monday-Friday: 8am to 4:30pm.
- People looking for a lost item now have the ability to submit a lost property ticket. Our new software will match this information with items that have been turned in and send a notification if found.
- The list of items Accepted and Not Accepted remains the same.
- Cones, traffic signs, and barricades should be taken directly to Parking Services-Sign Shop, in the Lake Street Parking Garage.
- All RamCards are turned in to the RamCard Office in the Lory Student Center
- If you suspect your item has been stolen please complete an online theft report here.
Items will only be held for 30 days per Colorado Law.
If your bike is missing:
- If your bike is deemed abandoned, found parked in a forbidden area, found locked to anything other than a bike rack, or impedes disability access, your bike may have been impounded. See the rules and regulations booklet. Call our office at (970) 491-7695 if you believe your bike was impounded.
- All impounded bikes are held for a minimum of twenty-five (25) days before being relinquished to Surplus Property.
- If you believe your bicycle was stolen you may report the stolen bike online and an officer will contact you.
Lost & Found Locations
[email protected] CSU Police Department
Green Hall
750 S Meridian Ave.
Campus Recreation Center
(970) 491-6359
Lory Student Center Information Desk
(970) 491-6444
Buildings in Area of Lost Property
Contact Using Building Proctor List
List of Accepted and Not Accepted Items
- Purses, Wallets, and Backpacks
- Credit Cards,
- Currency
- Electronics (laptops, cell phones, tablets, hot spots >$200)
- Non-costume jewelry
- Weapons – Handled by an officer
- Keys and Identifiable Key Fobs
- RAMCards (Turned into RamCard Office LSC)
- Perishables (food, drinks, etc.)
- Damp or wet items
- Clothing
- Water bottles (glass, plastic, or metal)
- Dangerous/Hazardous Materials
- NO chargers or cords of any kind
- Parking services items (Cones, Signs, Barricades)