Weapons Policy
Having a Concealed Handgun Permit on Campus
Colorado Senate Bill 24-131, signed into law and in effect as of July 1, 2024, prohibits a person from knowingly carrying a firearm, both openly and concealed, in a government building including on public college or public university campuses, exceptions for concealed carry permit holders carrying in the parking areas of a college or university.
In accordance with Colorado Revised Statute 18-12-206, individuals carrying concealed handguns in parking areas of CSU must have a lawful Colorado concealed weapons permit issued by a Colorado sheriff.
Colorado Bureau of Investigation Department of Public Safety Concealed Handgun Permit Statutes
Concealed Handgun Permit Reciprocity
Pursuant to Colorado law (CRS 18-12-213), the State of Colorado will recognize a valid permit issued in another state IF the permit was issued to a resident of the state issuing the permit, and the permit tee is 21 yrs of age or older, AND the other state recognizes Colorado permits as valid in their state. Hence, a “yes” in the following table also indicates that a valid Colorado permit is recognized in that state, subject to their laws. When traveling with a Colorado permit, it is advisable to contact the state you are visiting to confirm reciprocity and to review that state’s firearms laws.
The state of Colorado no longer recognizes the validity of any permit issued by any state to a nonresident of that state (see C.R.S 18-12-213 amended 2007), specifically they must be a resident of the state that issued the concealed handgun permit and must be in possession of a valid drivers license or identification card issued by that same state.
Colorado Bureau of Investigation Department of Public Safety Concealed Handgun Permit Reciprocity
CSU Residence Life Housing & Dining Weapons Policy
Students shall not carry, possess, use or store weapons (including firearms) in the residence halls or dining facilities. As a condition of living in CSU residence halls or using CSU dining facilities, all students agree not to possess or use any weapons in such areas, to voluntarily waive any legal rights related to the possession of weapons, and acknowledge they are prohibited. This waiver is voluntary, in exchange for living and dining in CSU facilities, and applies to all students, even if they have a lawful permit to carry a concealed firearm pursuant to C.R.S. 18-12-201 et. seq. This waiver also includes all rights that may be asserted under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution or Article II, Section 13 of the Colorado Constitution. Any possession or use of any weapon in CSU dining facilities may result in further action under applicable law or University disciplinary procedures. If you have weapons or ammunition, they may be stored at CSU Police Department.
- Students may not bring firearms or other weapons (hunting knives, archery, fencing, paintball guns, pellet guns, taser guns, air soft guns, martial arts equipment, slingshot, any item that is a reasonable facsimile, etc.) into the residence halls.
- Firearms, weapons, or explosives of any nature (including fireworks and flammable liquids) are strictly prohibited in the residence halls.
- Exotic weapons (such as swords, nunchucks, etc.) are also not permitted on University property and must be stored at CSU Police Department.
Explosives of any nature, including flammable liquids, fireworks, and ammunition, are not permitted in the residence halls. This includes lighter fluid and Zippo®-type lighters.
CSU Apartment Life Weapons Policy
Residents and guests are not allowed to use or store firearms, ammunition or any other weapon to include but not limited to air soft (paint ball, etc.) weapons or decorative swords anywhere within Apartment Life communities. If you have weapons or ammunition, they may be stored at CSU Police Department.
Apartment Life Concealed Weapons Policy
Resident shall not carry, possess, use or store weapons (including firearms) on the Premises. As a condition of living on the Premises, Resident agrees not to possess or use any weapons on the Premises, to voluntarily waive any legal rights related to the possession of weapons, and acknowledges they are prohibited. This waiver is voluntary, in exchange for living and dining in CSU housing facilities, and applies even if Resident has a lawful permit to carry a concealed firearm pursuant to C.R.S. 18-12-201 et. seq. This waiver also includes all rights that may be asserted by Resident under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution or Article II, Section 13 of the Colorado Constitution.
Any possession or use of any weapon on the Premises may result in further action under applicable law or University disciplinary procedures. Weapons may be stored at the CSU Police Department.